→ BoneKare with KQ® is the originator, not the replicator

About us

Welcome to BoneKare® – Your Trusted Partner in Equine Bone Health & Soft Tissue Vitality.


Our Mission

At BoneKare®, we are dedicated to the well-being of your equine companions, offering a revolutionary solution to support bone health and soft tissue vitality in horses of all ages. Trusted by horse owners and equine care teams across Germany, the United Kingdom, and throughout Europe, BoneKare® is now available in the United States.

BoneKare’s patented main ingredient is the only bone-building and support product with this patent, making BoneKare® a true testament to innovation. 

What defines BoneKare®

Olympian – Jan Ebeling, with Sara Gentry

Our Clients

We prioritize excellence in our actions, valuing YOU as our client above all else. Our unwavering commitment is to prioritize safety, efficacy and communication at every step.

Our Horses

Our equine companions are the driving force behind our continuous pursuit of improvement. They embody our greatest motivation and represent our paramount responsibility.

Olympian – Lauren Balcomb

Our Team

Our core strength lies in our team. We deliver services to our clients with genuine passion, steadfast commitment, and a devoted allegiance to scientific principles.

I am endorsing BoneKare® because I’ve seen first-hand how it has helped my horses, kept them fit and reduced injuries.

Jay Golding, President & Founder, Bonekare® USA

Meet The BoneKare® Team

We are driven by a genuine passion for our work, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and a steadfast dedication to the principles of equine science and care.

Meet The BoneKare® Team

Jay Golding

President & Founder

I’ve been immersed in the world of horses since my early years, managing a sizable breeding farm and overseeing operations at a prominent hunter and jumper barn.

During my frequent trips to Europe in search of exceptional horses, I came across BoneKare®, a widely acclaimed product among breeders and equestrians. Witnessing its effectiveness firsthand, I was compelled to bring it to the United States. Convinced by the positive results it delivered for my own horses, I took on the role of the U.S. distributor for BoneKare®.

My commitment to the product is grounded in personal experience, knowing that it has significantly benefited my horses over the years.

Looking to join our sales team? Email me!

My History with Horses

"I started with horses with pony rides at the zoo. The faster they trotted, the bouncier it was, the more I liked it. At age 6 or 7, I started riding at the Kenilworth Riding Club in Harrison, New York. Konrad Fisher, a strict German horseman, was the owner and head instructor. I rode there until I was sixteen or seventeen years old. Edith Master, who later became an Olympic dressage rider, was also my instructor at Kenilworth

I then rode with a Dutch dressage rider, Harry Gilhuys - that was an eye opener! Never having been exposed to Dressage before, I learned the classical way to put a horse into a frame.

After Harry, I spent six months riding with Dave Kelley in Armonk, New York. I rode jumpers with Sonny Brooks for several years. He was a top jumper rider in his day and member of the Jumper Hall of Fame. At that point, I started riding with George Morris at Old Salem farm (The Hill) and then in Millbrook, New York. I spent about three years with George.

I moved to Virginia to ride with Rodney Jenkins. I began helping him with sales while I started my own business with hunters and jumpers.

I operated a breeding farm and currently own and run a large hunter and jumper barn located in Virginia, USA.

Sara Gentry

General Manager of Sales & Operations

I have no recollection of a life without horses. My grandmother, father, and brother, all professional horsemen, owned and operated successful hunter/jumper barns. My youth was filled with starting young horses, but later in my amateur career I competed at premiere shows such as Madison Square Garden, Devon, Harrisburg, Capital Challenge, WEF, and more!

I currently own and operate a retirement and lay-up farm for equines in Missouri as well as working with BoneKare. I am proud to be linked with a product that actually helps horses. I talk with vets, owners, and trainers all day and I love to hear the positive feedback from BoneKare believers!

Need help with an order? Email me!