Customer Testimonials
Read comments about BoneKare® from BoneKare® believers
Testimonials from BoneKare® believers.
These comments, written by trainers, riders and horse owners offer the reader information to make their own decision about BoneKare®. The comments are presented for informational purposes only. The comments are NOT intended as an endorsement of any product. The information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your veterinarian.
A link to Independent Case Studies is coming soon.

Maintaining peak performance in my horses is paramount, and Bonekare has proven to be an invaluable addition to our regimen. The unique formulation and its positive impact on bone health have not only impressed me but have also made a noticeable difference in my horses’ overall well-being. As we navigate the competitive world of show jumping, having confidence in their health is non-negotiable. Bonekare has become an essential part of our journey towards success in the arena, ensuring my equine partners are at their absolute best.

When using BoneKare®, I see a distinct difference in my horses’ soundness. It specifically alleviates swelling in joints and I notice an improvement in length of stride and quality of jump. I believe BoneKare® to be an integral part of my training program.

I choose to use the purest of products available on the market such as BoneKare®. Our equine athletes deserve the best for preventative care and healing so that they can successfully meet the demands of the sport.

I have had a lot of success with BoneKare®. Ever since my horses have been on it, I honestly feel that I have had less joint injections from the vet and the horses have really held for a long time. I have to say that I am very happy with the product.

I have been using Bonekare for the last several years. It has helped my young horses that have had injuries. It has kept my competition horses healthy and at their best.

I was introduced to Bonekare over a year ago. Since then I have seen an overall improvement to the soundness of my horses. Bonekare® has become a daily supplement in my training to prevent injury and maintain them as healthy and happy.

Bonekare is the product that I use for the extra bit of soundness that my horses need for top competition . As a skeptic, I have been most impressed by the way that it has made my horses feel.

I used BoneKare on one of my top grand prix horses that suffered an acute bone bruising in her front fetlocks. I saw fantastic results with BoneKare® and a notable improvement in length of stride, scope and recovery during intense competition.

All of my babies start on BoneKare® as soon as they arrive at my farm in Virginia. It is a fabulous product which promotes healthy bone and tissue development. I feel that my horses are healthier because of this product. I know that using this proactively insures a stronger, healthier athlete for the future.

Coneygree is a freak of nature. Many owners have spent millions trying to find a race horse as good as him and he was home bred from a cheaply bought mare. This massive engine that propels him has put a strain on his bones and he sustained his first stress fracture when he was only five years old. From that moment on he was fed BoneKare and he has won over half a million in prize money. He sustained other injuries, but I am certain that BoneKare® has played a major role in allowing him to be sound enough to fulfill his racing potential in such as massive way on the racetrack.

I see a fast and definite improvement in the horses I put on BoneKare. It is my go-to supplement for bone-related injuries and has helped maintain many of the top-level performance horses in my practice.

My horse never had any soundness problems prior, but BoneKare made him feel a way I hadn’t felt before and didn’t know was possible!

Having already researched the science behind it, I did not hesitate to implement BoneKare as a staple in my horse’s diet. I strongly believe BoneKare is not solely for horses with existing ailments, but also for horses whose longevity you care about protecting!

BoneKare has made a big impact on my performance horses – whether it be repairing an injury or just maintaining healthy joints and body wellness. I have noticed it has kept some of my injury-prone horses feeling sturdier and stronger for competition, with results that have longevity.

I started using BoneKare a couple months ago on one of my top show horses. Within days I noticed a more relaxed, more open stride. I also noticed an overall difference in comfort on the daily. I am a true believer and will continue to use this product on more of our horses!

I think all our horses benefit from the product. I first heard about BoneKare when Sharn [Wordley] started using it on his Grand Prix horse Barnetta. I also rode him on a daily basis so I noticed a difference and improvement in how he felt.

We’ve seen really sustained, amazing performance from him since using BoneKare. It’s been really helpful at keeping him performing at high competition levels. With dressage, the horse experiences a lot of skeletal pressure as they articulate themselves. By using BoneKare, I’ve seen them feel stronger in those movements and push through them more powerfully as well.

We currently have about 90% of our clientele and personal horses on the product, and I could not be happier! I truly think that it is one of the more important products to consider utilizing. We have a pony that was dealing with issues in his feet due to some foundering, and that little guy is back into full work and jumping comfortably! We have a lovely child hunter that went through some debilitating foot issues. Now he is back in the competition ring and was recently Reserve Champion this winter!

Our hope in using BoneKare was to find something we could easily incorporate into our daily feed program that the horses would both eat and benefit from. We generally like to keep things simple—we’re not big into using lots of supplements or specialized feeds. However, as frequently happens, some horses had very specific problems and needed a more specialized approach. Our hope was that we’d give the select few horses that had various musculoskeletal issues a better chance at a healthier and more prolonged career.

We are a big believer in BoneKare and have recommended it to several of our friends. We are so glad to have found such a wonderful product that actually does what it says it will.
Independent Veterinary Studies
04/01 – 07/02
10/24 – 02/10
10/24 – 02/10
10/24 – 02/10
11/16 – 02/14
- Treatment of pre-sale thoroughbred yearlings with severe OCD lesions
- 8 yearlings in Australia with severe OCD lesions were supplements with 14mg Vitamin K1 (QAQ) per day for 3-7 months before re-examination
The following are a selection of these cases, including timestamps
OCD lesion score of 8 thoroughbred yearlings before and after supplementation![]()
- This is an eleven-year-old Warmblood gelding that was admitted to our hospital on 6/25/15 with an acute 3+/5 grade lameness of the right hind limb.
- Radiographs confirmed an articular medial wing fracture of the right hind coffin bone (image to left).
- Follow up examination and radiographs were taken on 8/05/15. Lameness was no longer present and there was a remarkable evidence of healing at the fracture site (image to right).
NOTE: Coffin bone fractures are known to heal by fibrous union leaving a wide radiolucent fracture line that is evidence of an incomplete healing. There is a narrowing of the fracture line after 60 days, with continued treatment, complete healing will occur.
Credit: Daniel V. Flynn, VMD – Equine Veterinarian
This weanling was started on BoneKare® after the identification of a stifle OCD lesion. Follow up RADS demonstrated remarkable healing of the OCD lesion after 5.5 months. Clinical impressions suggest that BoneKare® has real effect on bone remodeling and development.
June, 03 – November, 24
Credit: Timothy R. Ober, DVM, MRCVS
- Bone density development was assessed using RBAE in 26 2-year-old thoroughbred racehorses in the same stable
- The treatment group received 7mg/water soluble VK1 (QAQ) per day, while the control group received a placebo blank powder
- The trial was carried out over 8 months
There was a greater increase of bone density in the treatment group compared to the control group
Trial 1 shows marked increases in bone density in two-year-old racehorses who were treated with Quinaquanone®
Twenty-six, two-year-old thoroughbred racehorses, at the beginning of race training, were divided into two groups.
One group (Quinaquanone®) received 7mg formulation each day in their feed for eight months. The other group (“Control”) received an apparently identical powder containing no Vitamin K1.
Digital radiographs of the left third metacarpal bone and an adjacent aluminum step wedge were taken at various intervals. The radiographic density of the bone and the step wedge were measured and RBAE (radiographic bone aluminum equivalence) calculated. At each subsequent measurement the RBAE for each horse was compared to its initial RBAE and the percentage change recorded.

Date | 09/12/2008 | 10/14/2008 | 12/31/2008 | 02/02/2009 | 05/08/2009 |
Vitamin K | 0 | 1.04±0.31 | 4.54±0.75 | 7.68±1.67 | 9.05±0.91 |
Control | 0 | 0.35±0.71 | 2.82±2.97 | 3.97±2.83 | 5.02±2.17 |
Bone Density Trail in Two Year Old Racehorses
Mean percentage change in RBAE over time
Percentage change of radiographically measured bone density of 26 racehorses over eight months
These coffin bone radiographs are of a 13-year-old Dutch Warmblood taken at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months—with a total of four months healing with supplementation using Quinaquanone®.
T.J. Fischer, A.J/ Cawdell-Smoth. A.M. Talbot H.L. Regtop, J.R. Biffin, and W.L. Bryden University of Queensland, Equine Research Unit, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, A Agricure PTY Ltd., Bracmar NSW, 2576, Australia
The role of vitamin K in blood coagulation has been known for many decades, but in recent years it has shown to be a factor in many other physiological processes. Studies in human and rodents have heightened the role of vitamin K, and its dependent proteins, in bone metabolism, energy utilization and immunity. Placental transfer of vitamin K is limited in the human, and there has been no research conducted on horses on this aspect of vitamin K metabolism or transfer of the vitamin into milk. The objective of this study was to determine if vitamin K crosses the equine placenta, and if the concentration of the vitamin in mare’s milk can be modulated by dietary supplementation.
Eighteen late gestation mares were allocated to three treatment groups. These treatments consistent for a control (no vitamin K administration), Vitamin K3 (menadione) and vitamin KQ (Quinaquone™ a soluble form of K1 and K2 (10:1)). The vitamin treatments were administered as a 4mg oral bolus paste to each horse, 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), until parturition.
Administration of the paste commenced 28 days before the due foaling date. Blood sampling of the mares was undertaken weekly up to foaling, at parturition and 7 days later. Blood sampling of the foals and milk collection from the mares were performed simultaneously prior to first suckle by the mare, 12hrs, 34hrs and 7 days post birth. Plasma samples for each treatment along with the milk samples were analyzed by HPLC for vitamin K concentrations.
No differences in circulating concentrations of vitamin K were found in mares irrespective of supplementation group. However, milk concentrations at parturition reflected supplementation with KQ mares having a significantly (p<0.05) higher value than the other two groups. Values for both supplemented groups returned to control levels within 7 days of cessation of supplementation. The failure to detect differences in circulating levels in mares prior to foaling may reflect the time of sample collection as previous studies found that the half-life of vitamin K is rapid. Plasma K2
Independent Scientific Studies
BoneKare® is used by horse owners and equine care teams in Germany, United Kingdom, and throughout Europe, and is now available in the United States. It is the most researched bone support and bone-building product in the world.